Applied Machine Learning Days

Applied Machine Learning Days

Meet CertX at the Applied Machine Learning Days (AMLD) which will take place on the 23 – 26 of March, 2024. Join the workshop CertX the 1 day hands-on workshop on the EU AI ACT. In collaboration with ZHAW School of Engineering.

EU AI Act: Where Standards Meet Regulations?

EU AI Act: Where Standards Meet Regulations?

Introduction The EU AI Act emerges as a significant piece of legislation, aiming to regulate the rapidly evolving AI technologies within the EU. This Act sets forth a legal framework, outlining objectives, principles, and requirements designed to ensure the ethical...

Data Quality and AI Trustworthiness

Data Quality and AI Trustworthiness

In the evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI), trustworthiness and safety emerge as key concerns. As AI systems increasingly permeate our lives, they must be reliable, fair, and safe for all users. Central to this trustworthiness is data quality, a factor...

EU AI Act: What to Expect and How To React?

EU AI Act: What to Expect and How To React?

The EU AI Act, a landmark AI regulation in the European Union, establishes a comprehensive legal framework for AI systems to ensure their safe development, market-entry, and use within the EU. The EU AI Act has been purposefully designed with broad and generic...



CertX--功能安全、网络安全和人工智能的标准化 欧盟在4月发布了一项关于规范基于人工智能的应用的提案,并在不久前发布了一份白皮书(基于2020年2月至6月的公众意见)。其中提出的最重要的问题是...
