

Autonomous driving, electrification and connectivity are the major innovation drivers in automotive, resulting in more complex functionality in addition to increasing safety requirements for software-based vehicle systems.

With expertise in automotive functional safety (ISO 26262), cybersecurity (ISO 21434), safety of the intended functionality (ISO 21448) and artificial intelligence, CertX provides all services for the certification and homologation of dependable and trustworthy systems for future mobility.

CertX has an integrated, lean assessment procedure based on synergies between the standards to optimize the efficiency of the evaluation process without compromising the result quality.

We are at the leading edge when it comes to autonomous vehicles. We train your staff and assess the safety, cyber security and functional performance of your automotive product.

Product Assessment & Certification ISO 26262 and ISO 21448 (SOTIF)

Demonstrating compliance with the prevailing safety standards is mandatory for your product to be sucessful on the market. 

The required independence level for higher ASIL levels is hard to achieve without external support. CertX is providing assessment and / or confirmation reviews with the highest indepence level I3.

The result is an assessment report specifying our methodology and the overall result without disclosing any of your IP, a compliance report with all details of our findings and our recommendations for your internal use.

In case your product is being used across several applications or clients it is usually more efficient to certify it as a Safety Element out of Context (SEooC). In addition to the assessment results you will get a certificate demonstrating the right ASIL level and ongoing adherence towards your all clients and applications.

CertX use the safety case methodology to assess and certify products according to the ASIL (Automotive Safety Integrity Level). Each product is unique therefore dedicated requirements for every product will be identified at different levels:

  • Functional Safety Management
  • Concept Phase
  • System Level
  • Hardware Level
  • Software Level

See more details about our assessment process or our certification process

Training & Person Certification

CertX provides a dedicated person certification program at different level of expertise for responsibilities for safety management related to ISO 26262 and ISO 21448.


CertX experts can also provide customized and in-house training to meet your needs for qualifying your staff. You will find an actual overview on courses, venues and dates on our training page.

See more details about our qualification scheme at our training & person certification process page.

 Cyber Security – ISO 21434 and UN ECE 155 & 156

Since July 2022, the UN ECE R155 cyber security requirements are legally required for new vehicle type approvals. The new regulatory framework imposes OEMs to establish Cyber Security Management System (CSMS), and spread those security practices over their respective supply chain prior to July 2024.

Afterwards for any new type approval  full compliance with CSMS practices will have to be demonstrated to authorities


The ISO/SAE 21434 standard is key reference for implementing State-of-the-Art methods for cyber security management and accepted widely by the OEM as demonstrating compliance.

CertX supports you with the following services:


  • Awareness & Training

for increasing awareness and understanding for

    • vehicle manufacturers about new UN ECE R155 & 156, cyber security requirements, and compliance demonstration
    • system & component providers about ISO/SAE 21434 security practices, and meeting manufacturers requirements on cyber security implementation.
  • Compliance check & certification for evaluating your current management system, processes and product capabilities, to meet requirements of ISO/SAE 21434 and UN ECE R155.
  • Test services for UN ECE 155 & 156 together with our partner FAKT for the formal verification for vehicel type approvals towards authorities
  • Supporting services for accompanying your team for implementing best security practices and complying with ISO/SAE 21434 and UN ECE R155 requirements or the integration of ISO/SAE 24089 practices for SW update management (SUMS) and related compliance with UN ECE R156.


Contact our Cyber Security team for more info


Mazen Mansour

Head of Functional Safety 

Loan Betend

Head of Cybersecurity