ISA/IEC-62443 CyberSecurity Red Belt Certification

Course Identifier:  e30-001

CertX’s CySec team develops this program to provide complete cyber security training course based upon the ISA/IEC 62443 standard for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS). During the four-day training program you will become familiar with relevant cyber security terminology and activities, you get an excellent understanding of the IEC 62443 Standard and you will learn to apply your new knowledge and skills within the practice of your own organization. The program has been built to respond to cyber security requirements for all kind of customer profiles: product suppliers (parts. 4-1 and 4-2), system integrators (parts. 2-4, 3-3 and 4-1) and asset owners (parts. 2-1 and 2-4).
The fifth day, a final exam can consolidate and validate your new skills.

Our course is structured based on a top-down approach allowing trainees to book one or multiple days tailored to their needs. However, the exam given the fifth day requires that all training days (1-to-4) have been followed by the trainee.

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Day 1 – ISA/IEC-62443 in a nutshell

  1. Introduction
  2. Cyberattacks
  3. Build a Cybersecurity program
  4. Risk Analysis and Assessment
  5. Security Policy, Organisation and Awareness
  6. Counter Measures Selection
  7. Counter Measures Implementation
  8. Monitoring/Improving the CSMS


Day 2 – ISA/IEC-62443 Cybersecurity risk assessment

  1. Introduction
  2. IACS Scope definition
  3. Asset inventory
  4. Vulnerability identification
  5. Risk assessment organization
  6. High-level risk assessment
  7. Zones & Conduits documentation
  8. Detailed risk assessment
  9. Cybersecurity requirement specification


Day 3 – ISA/IEC-62443 Cybersecurity development and implementation

  1. Introduction
  2. Conceptual Design Process
  3. Detailed Design Process
  4. Design and implementation examples
  5. Testing


Day 4 – ISA/IEC-62443 Cybersecurity operation and maintenance

  1. Introduction
  2. Network diagnostics and troubleshooting
  3. Application diagnostics and troubleshooting
  4. IACS Cybersecurity operating procedures and tools
  5. IACS incident response


Day 5 – Exam

The exam will be taken at the end of the course.

In case the individual trainee achieves a minimum of 75% of the total score he/she will receive a certificate valid for a period of 3 years.

In case of non-achievement of the minimum score he/she will receive a confirmation of participation.

Upon the agreement of the individual we publish his/her certificate and validity on our registry accessible through our website.

Please find our additional resources below: