CertX was present at the IT meets Industry IMI conference 19./20. Nov. in Mannheim with an opening speech from Erwin Kruschitz / Anapur defining the cyber security maturity level in a very pragmatic way. It is not a question of getting hacked but only a question of when. What protects you is the knowledge of persons knowing what to do to contain a breach.
supported by some interesting statistics from Dharminder Debisarun / Palo Alto. So training and education of staff and implementation of the right processes will help to contain security breaches.
… and the inspiring keynote speech by Marty Edwards. Standards do represent a best practice and it is worthwhile to apply them. In particular for operations where safety and security elements play together. Nevertheless they should not get mixed.
… and of course many more valuable presentations and discussion. We look forward to participate in 2020 yet again.