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We offer a suite of online courses and webinars for all aspects and relevant standards of functional safety and cyber security.


All of our e-learning material offers the indentical content and quality as the traditional classroom training or live online courses.


Our different online courses serve engineers as well as managers across all seniorities to improve and build up know-how in the relevant topics.

We offer also to book live Q&A sessions 1:1 session with our CertX trainers to answer any open questions and support the learning success.


Our e-learning material is divided in 2 mains categories:

  • E-learning courses
  • Free webinars

To access any material you need to register (free-of-charge), which can be done at the end at the check-out.

Our e-learning courses can be accessed from anywhere during 30 days after the purchase date.

E-learning courses

If you have already purchased the course and you are not logged in, please login by clicking on the right button before accessing the course.

EN 50126

This training is an introductory course to EN 50126.
The course will take approximately 1h to be completed.

EN 50657

This training is an introductory course to EN 50657.
The course will take approximately 1h to be completed.

EN 50128

This training is an introductory course to EN 50128.
The course will take approximately 1h to be completed.

RAMS Red Belt Course

This training is an introductory course to RAMS in railways. Attendees will get familiar with the legal context, processes, actors, interfaces and documentation produced during the project’s life cycle.

A-CSRB – ISO/SAE 21434 Automotive Cyber Security Red Belt Course (Available soon)

Our course is structured in 10 modules, starting from introduction to the context of automotive cyber security (incl. upcoming regulations / WP and addressing every parts of the ISA/SAE 21434 standard in a pragmatic approach which will allow you to get a good understanding of cyber security related compliance targets

RAMS Introduction Course

This training is an introductory course to RAMS in railways (EN 50126/8/9). Attendees will get familiar with the legal context, processes, actors, interfaces and documentation produced during the project’s life cycle.
The course will take approximately 4h to be completed.


Relation between CSM and CENELEC standards. How do they interact?

This webinar introduces the Reg. (EU) 402/2013 also known as Common Safety Methods and focuses on its relation with the CENELEC norms EN 50126, EN 50128, EN 50129. The session will be focused on the interaction between the different standards and will finish with a Q&A session.

How to consider SOTIF hazards in conjugation with ISO 26262 hazards?

The hazards resulting from functional insufficiencies are determined systematically at the vehicle level. This systematic identification is primarily based on knowledge about the function and its possible deviations. This can be achieved by applying the methods specified in ISO 26262-3:2018 but not only. This webinar explain how to consider SOTIF hazards in conjugation with ISO 26262 hazard and we are finishing the webinar with a Q&A session.

ISO 21434 as a standardized framework to deal with automotive cyber security

This webinar introduces the ISO 21434 which addresses cyber security aspects for the automotive industry. The session will be focused on the structure of the standard as well as on main methods required to cope with cyber security issues in automotive-related development. The webinar will finish with a Q&A session.