Our Training Courses
We have developed a suite of training courses for all aspects and relevant standards of functional safety, cyber security and artificial intelligence. Our different courses serve engineers as well as managers across all seniorities to improve and build up know-how in the relevant topics.
Certification programs verify the training success and provide a structured base for expertise and skill development.
Our overview courses are suited to give a first overview on the standard suited to get an overview for interested persons.
Please find below available courses clustered by domain.
Qualification of your staff is the base for getting it right first-time. We share our know-how with you to make it happen.
Live Trainings
You will find all details about courses such as content, date and venues when opening each “learn more” box.
By clicking on a specific training course a pre-filled form will open by which you may request a quotation or more info about the course from us. This is not a booking or a reservation yet!
You have not found what you are looking for or you need a course not listed, a different location or company specific? – Please contact us.
Automotive Trainings
Automotive functional safety is applicable to all safety relevant vehicle systems and becomes more and more important with the rise of autonomous, electrical and connected mobility. Competence management, as required by all functional safety standards, requires that organisations have to ensure proper qualification of the staff involved in the safety life-cycle. Our courses provide the necessary knowledge to manage all safety-related aspects in the development of modern automotive systems. Our trainers have first-hand knowledge as co-authors of the upcoming standards.
Details and Schedule of our Automotive Courses
Certification Courses:
- ISO-26262 Functional Safety Red Belt Certification : e11-001, 4-days course + 1/2 day exam.
- Course languages German, English, French, Chinese, material & exam in English only
- On-site classroom trainings and closed online courses for groups on demand
- Detailed course program
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Online | 25-29 Nov. 2024 | English | request information |
Online | Upon request | French / German / English / Chinese | request information |
- ISO-26262 Functional Safety Black Belt Certification : e11-002, self paced learning with access to online materials, 1/2 day of assessment including a personal interview, a case study and an exam
- Course languages German, English, French; material & exam in English only
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Upon request | Upon request | Upon request | request information |
- ISO-26262 Re-certification : e11-004, 1-day course + exam.
- Course languages English, French, Chinese, exam in English only
- On-site classroom trainings and closed online courses for groups on demand
- Detailed course program
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Online | Upon request | German / English | request information |
- intacs™ Certified Provisional Assessor : e13-001, 4.5-days course + 1/2 day exam
- Course languages: English, German
- On-site classroom trainings and online courses for (closed) groups on demand
- Detailed course program
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Online | Upon request | German / English | request information |
Overview Courses:
- ISO 26262 Overview
- please refer to to the ISO 26262 course. Day 1 is suited to get an overview for managers, quality representeatives, purchase persons and HR staff to understand the basice needs of ISO 26262. We offer to join only for one (or several) days. Please ask us for specific quote.
- ISO 21448 SOTIF Intro : e14-011, 1-day course
- Course languages German, English
- On-site classroom trainings and closed online courses for groups on demand
- Detailed course program
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Online | Upon request | German / English | request information |
Machinery Trainings
IEC 61508 – ISO 13849 – IEC 62061
The machinery and robotic domain is regulated by various different standards. Understanding their differences and how it is possible to apply them in the product development process of your company is sometimes laborious. Our trainings support you in applying every part of these standards, from the hazard analysis to the validation of the system without forgetting the software and hardware assessment. Moreover, it is enhanced with personal exercises for the different phases in order to improve assimilation of information.
Details and Schedule of our Machinery Courses
- ISO / IEC 61508 Functional Safety Red Belt Certification : e20-001, 4-days course + 1/2 day exam
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Online | on request | English / French / German | request information |
- ISO / IEC 61508 Functional Safety Black Belt Certification : e20-002, self paced learning with access to online materials, 1/2 day of assessment including a personal interview, a case study and an exam
- For such request we would kindly request to use our request form.
- ISO-13849 Functional Safety Red Belt Certification : e21-001, 2-days course + exam
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Online | On request | English / French / German | request information |
- Machinery Standards Overview : e00-002, 1-day course
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Upon request | Upon request | Upon request | request information |
Cybersecurity Trainings
ISO21434 (UN-R155) – ISO 24089 (UN-R 156) – IEC62443 – GDPR
Industrial or operational cyber security (OT) is primarily about combining the principles of safety from the OT environment with the principles of IT security. This combination makes it difficult for end users to understand and identify security as a critical issue that needs systematic investment. Our trainings improve your cyber security awareness and support you on the road to an internationally recognised certification.
We provide trainings focused on “traditional” IT security as well as on OT security to improve your knowledge and competencies. In addition, we also offer an overview course mainly dedicated to managers to understand the overall landscape of cyber security and data protection.
Details and Schedule of our Cyber Security Courses
Certification Trainings:
- ISO-21434 and UN-R155 Cybersecurity Red Belt Certification : e31-001, 2-days course + 1/2-day exam
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Online | 17-19 Sept. 2024 | English | request information |
Online | December 2024 | English | request information |
Company specific | Upon request | FR/EN | request information |
Online / Classroom | Upon request | FR/EN | request information |
- ISO-21434 Cybersecurity Black Belt Certification : e31-002, 1-day course + exam
- For such request we would kindly request to use our request form.
- ISO-24089 & UN-R 156 Red Belt Certification : e32-003, 1-day course + 1h exam
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Online | 24 Sept. 2024 | English | request information |
Online | Upon request | English / French | request information |
- ISA/IEC-62443 Cybersecurity Red Belt Certification : e30-001, 4-days course + 1/2-day exam
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Online | December 2024 | English | request information |
Online / Classroom | Upon request | English / French | request information |
Company specific | Upon request | English / French | request information |
- ISA/IEC-62443 Cybersecurity Black Belt Certification : e30-002, 2-days course + exam
- Please use our request form to get more information.
Generic Training:
- Cybersecurity Principles : e00-006, 1/2-day course
- Detailed course program
- Please use our request form to get more information.
Medical Devices:
- Cybersecurity for Medical Devices : e30-010, 5-days crash course (3-4h/day)
- Detailed course program
- For such request we would kindly request to use our request form.
Our comprehensive training programs on Artificial Intelligence (AI) are meticulously designed to cater to the latest ISO standards and EU AI Act, ensuring you remain up to date in this rapidly evolving field. These courses offer an in-depth understanding of the guidelines, equipping you with the required knowledge and skills to implement these standards within your organization. Our courses not only enhance your knowledge base but also prepare you for future industry challenges, aligning with the ongoing regulatory shifts as per the EU AI Act.
Details and Schedule of our Artificial Intelligence Courses
- EU AI Act — Red Belt Certification : e50-001, 1-day course + exam
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Online | 27-28 Nov 2024 | English | request information |
Online | Dec 2024 | English | request information |
- ISO/IEC 42001 Artificial Intelligence — AI management system : e50-003, 1-day course + exam
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Online | 11-12 Dec 2024 | English | request information |
Online | March 2025 | English | request information |
Railway Trainings
EN 50126 – EN 50128 – EN 50129 – EU Reg. 402/2013 CSM
CertX railway courses provide a solid knowledge about the implementation of safety and RAM, combining theory with practical exercises.
The training options range from single-day introductions to professional certification courses.
Details and Schedule of our Railway Courses
- RAMS (50126/8/9) Red Belt Certification : e40-001, 3-day course
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Online / On-site | Upon request | English / German / Spanish | request information |
Introduction courses:
- RAMS Overview (EN 50126/8/9) : e00-007, 1-day course
- Detailed course program
- For such request please refer to our e-learning couses.
Common Safety Method Overview (EU Reg. 402/2013) : e00-008, half-day course
- Detailed course program
- For such request please refer to our e-learning couses.
Other Trainings
Product Liability and Functional Safety
Automated or autonomous systems are bringing a radical change to everyday life but also imposing new potential threats. Engineers and managers do need to understand and manage the risk of liability claims, which may be caused by errors and omissions in the product design and manufacturing processes, or the way the product is marketed.
This one-day course, is primarily designed for managers with no previous legal training and/or specific technical expertise, who may be responsible for the design, manufacture or marketing of products that could cause loss or injury.
This course provides a practical introduction to the principles of civil, criminal and contract law, showing how they converge when defective products are found.
This course is provided typically for company-specific purposes and will provide an overview on the state-of-art standards applicable, such as machine directive, low voltage directive, ISO 26262, IEC 61508 and related processes mitigating these liability risks. It will identify the obligations and critical points to observe for managers in particular to development and production processes, and staff selection.
The course may also cover certain case studies defined by you.
Details and Schedule of our Product Liability Courses
- Understanding Product Liability : e00-010, typically 1/2 – 1 day course tailored to company needs
- For such request we would kindly request to use our request form.
Internal Auditor for Quality Management Systems
ISO9001 certifications mandates regular internal audits. This two-day course is essential if you need the skills required to carry out those internal audits against ISO 9001:2015 requirements or similar QM standards. It will teach you how to plan, prepare, evaluate and implement corrective action and provides you with the knowledge and skills to perform internal audits of quality management systems.
Participants will learn how to audit and report on the effective implementation and maintenance of a management system in accordance with ISO 19011.
Participants should have a prior knowledge about:
- basic know-how of ISO 9001 or similar quality management systems
- PDCA cycle
- core elements of a management system
Details and Schedule of our Internal Auditor courses
- Internal QM Auditor : e00-011, 2-day course
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Upon request | Upon request | English / German / French | request information |
Requirements Engineering
Requirements engineering is the process of eliciting stakeholder needs and desires and developing them into an agreed-upon set of detailed requirements that can serve as a basis for all subsequent development activities. The purpose of requirements engineering methodologies is to make the problem that is being stated clear and complete, and to ensure that the solution is correct, reasonable, and effective.
With a well-managed requirement engineering process, you will be able to improve customer satisfaction, product quality and safety and together with the right tool enable organizational learning.
This 3 day course is equivalent to the Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE) Foundation Level according to IREB® . It ends with a certification exam on the morning of the 4th day.
Details and Schedule of our Requirements Engineering Courses
- Requirements Engineering Foundation Level : e00-009, 3 day course + 1/2 day exam
Location | Date | Language | Request |
Upon request | Upon request | Upon request | request information |
Please find our additional resources below:
We offer a suite of online courses and webinars for all aspects and relevant standards of functional safety and cyber security.
All of our e-learning material offers the indentical content and quality as the traditional classroom training or live online courses.
Our different online courses serve engineers as well as managers across all seniorities to improve and build up know-how in the relevant topics.
We offer also to book live Q&A sessions 1:1 session with our CertX trainers to answer any open questions and support the learning success.
Our e-learning material is divided in 2 mains categories:
- E-learning courses
- Free webinars
To access any material you need to register (free-of-charge), which can be done at the end at the check-out.
Our e-learning courses can be accessed from anywhere during 30 days after the purchase date.
E-learning courses
If you have already purchased the course and you are not logged in, please login by clicking on the right button before accessing the course.
EN 50126
This training is an introductory course to EN 50126.
The course will take approximately 1h to be completed.
EN 50657
This training is an introductory course to EN 50657.
The course will take approximately 1h to be completed.
EN 50128
This training is an introductory course to EN 50128.
The course will take approximately 1h to be completed.
RAMS Red Belt Course
This training is an introductory course to RAMS in railways. Attendees will get familiar with the legal context, processes, actors, interfaces and documentation produced during the project’s life cycle.
A-CSRB – ISO/SAE 21434 Automotive Cyber Security Red Belt Course (Available soon)
Our course is structured in 10 modules, starting from introduction to the context of automotive cyber security (incl. upcoming regulations / WP and addressing every parts of the ISA/SAE 21434 standard in a pragmatic approach which will allow you to get a good understanding of cyber security related compliance targets
RAMS Introduction Course
This training is an introductory course to RAMS in railways (EN 50126/8/9). Attendees will get familiar with the legal context, processes, actors, interfaces and documentation produced during the project’s life cycle.
The course will take approximately 4h to be completed.
Relation between CSM and CENELEC standards. How do they interact?
This webinar introduces the Reg. (EU) 402/2013 also known as Common Safety Methods and focuses on its relation with the CENELEC norms EN 50126, EN 50128, EN 50129. The session will be focused on the interaction between the different standards and will finish with a Q&A session.
How to consider SOTIF hazards in conjugation with ISO 26262 hazards?
The hazards resulting from functional insufficiencies are determined systematically at the vehicle level. This systematic identification is primarily based on knowledge about the function and its possible deviations. This can be achieved by applying the methods specified in ISO 26262-3:2018 but not only. This webinar explain how to consider SOTIF hazards in conjugation with ISO 26262 hazard and we are finishing the webinar with a Q&A session.
ISO 21434 as a standardized framework to deal with automotive cyber security
This webinar introduces the ISO 21434 which addresses cyber security aspects for the automotive industry. The session will be focused on the structure of the standard as well as on main methods required to cope with cyber security issues in automotive-related development. The webinar will finish with a Q&A session.